Getting Social With a Black Samurai G

SuNWhoa Love has been a Pearland friend and former-client for some time now. Although the collaboration has seen its share of ups and downs, as most entertainment careers do, SunWhoa’s numbers of likes, followers and eventually lifetime fans continues to grow. Most of the success is due to SunWhoa’s funky style, timeless recordings and busy live performance calendar, however Pearland devised a plan to translate those curious Google searches into likes and purchases.

When SunWhoa signed with Pearland in 2011 he had already garnered a growing fan base following his mixtape, a couple of singles and a globally distributed album. At this point, Pearland was brought in as simply management to help organize and manage what what quickly become a full-time job. We quickly realized that our creative marketing skill set was better suited for the artist and began monitoring social media. Pearland began reports tracking follower growth, demographics and analyzing which types of posts received the most attention. After a couple of months we were able to devise a game plan which gave SunWhoa a focus for his social media energy along with some content to get him started.


Of course, we can never take credit for anyone’s success but we are happy to celebrate SunWhoa’s fan base growth. SuNWhoa has been able to capitalize on his ever-growing Instagram following. He has monopolized his Facebook posts for the most visibility and clicks. A with a recent website revamp and online store he has began to sell unique merchandise worldwide all without even have released any new music!

The social media frontier can be intimidating, but it’s nothing to a Black Samurai G! Check out this recent video of SunWhoa performing his single “Mind on God”